Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bobby Wilson

For those of you who have no clue who Bobby Wilson is, he is the catcher for the SL Bees and my kids favorite friend. He left just before the season ended to play for the Angels again. He is now on the roster in the playoffs! We are so happy for him but hope that he comes back to SL next year! These pictures are from July when we went down & watched the fireworks with Bobby & Lori. Dyllan was so excited he ran right over as soon as Bobby came out of the dugout and Bobby picked him up. He is so great with the boys, we really appreciate him. We wish him luck with the rest of the playoffs!

My dad, us, & Bobby

The cute boys! I love baseball season!

Signing his jersey

Meeting Lori

Waiting for fireworks

BABY UPDATE: We are hoping she stays in utero through this weekend so that Langer will be able to be there and Justin will be done with UPS for good. If all goes as planned, she will be here Tuesday!


Tibett said...

I bet that was such a fun night for your kids with Bobby! Yea, I can't wait for Tuesday! How exciting, Laurel! Got any names yet?!

Brenda said...

Good luck on Tuesday Laurel & Justin! Let us know when she comes!
