Monday, September 15, 2008

We are so sad that the Bees are done playing! We spent a lot of our summer at the Bees games with the mortuary's season tickets. The boys absolutely love going to the games. Dyllan is obsessed with watching Bobby Wilson, he carries around his card & pretends to be him. He runs around the house yelling "Bobby Wilson, Number One!!" If you have ever played with him I'm sure you have had to get down on your knees like a catcher & be "the guy". If you aren't in the right stance, he will let you know & make you fix it before you can play ball with him. Our seats were right past the first base line where the pitchers warm up so Bobby was always right there so Dyllan could watch him. Peyton on the other hand is more in love with the mascot & the food. The players were so cute to Peyton & Dyllan.
They get balls at every game! Thank you to Bobby Wilson, Freddy Sandoval, Henry Bonilla & Jim Eppard for being so nice to the Boys!

The boys are obsessed with the Bee!

Waiting for the fireworks to start

The boys love the games!
Can't wait for next season!


Meg and Nate said...

Your boys really are the cutest! I have to be honest, I don't miss nursery too much but I do miss cute Dyllan. I hope nursery is going alright for him. Hope to see you soon!

Alli said...

Oh my goodness Laurel, I'm so glad you are on here! It is so good to hear from you and see that you are doing so well! Your family is adorable!

RIndi said...

Hi!!! Laurel I found your blog through Alli's and oh my gosh what an ADORABLE family! You guys look like you're doing SO great! I can't believe how cute your kids are! Wow! Maddi keeps me semi-updated when she talks about Josh and I usually read the letters he sends my family (they leave them on the kitchen counter for a while!) But I'm glad you have a blog so I can keep updated! You look AWESOME yourself!
