Saturday, December 19, 2009

Does anyone else think these two look alike?


jkzank said...

Holy cow! Which one is which?

Keri Cannon said...

They look like twins!!!!!

Eric and Hannah said...

WoW!!! I think Peyton is the picture on top and Izabelle is the one on the bottom! They do look like twins!!!! So cute!!!

The Paytons said...

how funny is that! They both look like you I think!
ps Loved your Christmas card such an adorable family!

Anonymous said...

No. Nothing alike! ;)

Brenda said...

Robbie and I are arguing about this, he thinks the top picture is Peyton and the bottom is Izabelle and I think the opposite. Tell me I'm right.

Brenda said...

ok, after further review I'm starting to think I was wrong. Am I?

Utah Funeral Directors Cremation Center said...

The top is Peyton and the bottom is Izabelle! They really look similar at two months, it will be interesting to see how much they look alike as they get older.

Utah Funeral Directors Cremation Center said...
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the murdocks said...

Oh my word, identical.

Jonathan and Kiri said...

Oh my goodness! That's amazing!
